ARG Netcast, Episode 3

netcast.jpgIt’s already Episode 3 of the ARG Netcast series. Once again, this week offers the comedy stylings of unfiction’s Sean C. Stacey, the politically-charged folk songs of Giant Mice’s Brooke Thompson, and the gospel hip hop of M.C. Jonathan Waite of ARGNet. Subscribe to the ARGNet feed through FeedBurner or via iTunes.

Game News and Topics of Discussion

The Hot Topic O’ The Week

  • Trailheads and Rabbitholes — how far should creative teams go to have them found? We discuss the pros and cons of stealth launches vs. the ‘anonymous tip’.

Listener Mail

  • Congratulations to Sylvia, who won a shiny new copy of Cathy’s Book.
  • _mark and molecularr have nothing but accolades for Episode 2, and SirQuady offers up an interesting idea, which we hope all of you listeners can help out with.

Rock the Vote!

  • Vote your butts off, America. In fact, vote more than once, if you can. Also, Oregon mails it in.

Contact us at our special netcast email address, [email protected]). Once again, special thanks to Larry Eisner for providing the original music used in the podcast. This will be the last time we specially thank Larry, officially, so we hope he basks in it while he can.


  1. Larry Eisner


  2. Mapmaker

    The new segment should be called “Back In My Day”.

  3. rose

    I found the netcast from a google search of Perplex City news. A good resource for keeping up with games if, like me, you haven’t been able to keep up with the forums.