Strike the gong and turn on the mic fa la la la la, la la Peters.
GeeksOn Podcast Interviewee fa la la la la la STEVE PETERS.
Talks about some ARGs and Gaming, fa la la la la, la la la la!
Steve Peters of 42 Entertainment sat down with GeeksOn for an extensive podcast interview on his work in Alternate Reality Gaming.
Covered during the nearly hour-long (!) discussion:
· Steve’s experience with 42 Entertainment
· History and general information about ARGs
· I Love Bees
· Last Call Poker
· Art of the Heist
· Technology in ARG production
· The 4th wall
· The process of producing an ARG
· Ninjas
· The future of ARGs, including their potential uses and Second Life
GeeksOn produces wonderful, pithy podcasts and their panel discussions are witty and intelligent. They even speak in alien, sometimes. (Oh geek <3) These guys ask some excellent questions about the genre and the discussion is wildly entertaining. Click to Listen
Those geeks are very, very funny. Steve did very well, I thought. And they did a lot of homework on ARGs, so I was impressed.
Hahahahaha, I’d just like to point out that the domain is in fact parked with
So…are any of these guys single? 😉