Rookery TowerA recent post on the Unfiction forums indicates the start of a new ARG called Rookery Tower.

In 1851, conjoined twins, Eric and Richard, were born to a couple who lived on Rookery Hill. Tragedy after tragedy followed, leading to an apparent climax sometime in the late 1800s, details of which are yet to be discovered. Now in 2005, Layla Hardesty has moved into Rookery Tower and is encountering paranormal experiences ranging from a wandering dishpan to eerie knocks to strange messages appearing in her blog. The paranormal investigation firm called to work on the case is also encountering corruption on their web page. Players are attempting to help Layla and Morgan Paranormal find out the story behind Rookery Tower and the apparent haunting by the twins.

This appears to be a solid grassroots game making good use of free web resources. There have been several puzzles so far based on cyphers, misplaced letters, and other means. So far several players have enjoyed email interaction with in-game characters.

Links mentioned in this article:

Layla Hardesty’s blog (trailhead)
Morgan Paranormal
Unfiction forum discussion