ACME Puzzle Trail Offers Hints at Future Project

aporia.jpgAporia Cross-Media Entertainment is busily plugging away on their upcoming alternate reality game, the Aporia Agathon Project. That doesn’t stop the team from engaging in the occasional side project, however.

On today’s show at, the fine folks at ACME are launching an XBox-themed puzzle trail with a twist. In addition to a prize from lagtv for one lucky player, the puzzle trail will introduce a character or two from the Aporia Agathon Project, and provide a few hints of what’s to come in the game. LagTV offers live, interactive video gaming news, focusing on the X-Box console.

The ACME blog claims some of the puzzles will be “a tribute to another xbox related ARG”, so fans of the short-lived Our Colony campaign may be in for a treat. Although I guess it’s possible they’re referring to that other XBox-related ARG.

1 Comment

  1. Jas0n

    Hey Mark et al,

    The puzzle trail was a contest for viewers and ARGonauts. A viewer by the name of Jagged was the first to solve the puzzle trail and won a copy of Assassin’s Creed. The team at LagTV is going to interview him tonight and that interview will include a walk-through on the puzzle trail and maybe some more information: