The ARG phenomenon, The Art Of The Heist, continues to immerse players in its storyline with another event planned for the night of April 29th in New York City. The following day, another game tie-in will occur in Indio, California at the world famous Coachella Valley Music Festival. This real world interaction is quite impressive, as it’s been a few years since an ARG has successfully held events on opposite sides of the continent within such a short timespan of each other.
At the New York event, players will be attending a ‘scratch session’ put on by DJ Will Star. Will (a real life DJ) has been written into the story as a friend of Ian, an in-game character. Players will meet Will at a nightclub, where they should be receiving a package from the DJ himself.
In California, five players will be attending the Coachella music festival with tickets provided by in-game company Last Resort Retrieval. These players, who have already received confirmation from the in-game character, will be able to enjoy the festivities, but must meet later at an Audi sponsored event to engage in another ‘retrieval’ mission. Many believe that the fruits of their labor will be the third in a series of SD memory cards that have included files, pictures and puzzles related to the game. A webcast of this event will be streamed at and an effort to get a live audio feed available is in the works.
These events are further examples of how the Heist Puppetmasters continue to warp the in-game/out-of-game perceptions of their player base. We hope that all players who get a chance to be involved with these events enjoy their experiences, as this game is looking more and more like the game many will look back on fondly years from now.
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